Exactly. And you know what? It doesn't even have to be about earning an income. An unemployed person could host a beach clean up. Make wildflower bombs to beautify roadsides and other such projects. Visit and entertain the elderly at the local nursing home. Volunteer to be a reading buddy to a struggling kid. Food banks. Local animal shelters. Local VA.
Just SOMETHING. ANYTHING rather than sitting up on the internet nursing grievances and feeling sorry for yourself, swallowing red pill after red pill till you've warped yourself into a sociopath.
If you did, you would meet people and in helping them they would help you. You'd eventually network with someone who helps or leads you a job or gets you what you need to start your own business or something. Maybe go back to school, or learn a trade.
For fuck's sake, you could even apprentice yourself out to a master tradesman and learn a skill that will provide for you.