3 min readSep 4, 2022


Empowering women isn’t always about making legal changes, like raising the age of consent. I don’t think anyone is focusing on that in this debate. Haven’t seen it yet, if they are.

Sometimes empowerment starts and ends with knowledge of outcomes with making certain decisions. If you still want to make them, cool. But be forewarned. The end. There’s nothing more to it than that.

The whole ... your brain hasn’t fully developed yet argument is more about knowing as a youth, that there are those who will take advantage. And there’s truth to that.
Let’s look at it another way. At 18 you can join the military and go off to war. Your brain isn’t fully developed yet, any more than the young woman dating the cradle robber. In fact, the old (mostly) men who start and engage in wars are counting on your undeveloped brain to get you to do their dirty work. They don’t want to muck march around over rough terrain with a rifle and maybe kill or be killed. They want you to do that for them so they can make money and increase their power.

Men know this. They’ve been bitching and moaning about it for a while now. They have made some decent points and some bad ones.

We all know this. War is waged by the young to benefit the elder because the young are dumb enough, inexperienced enough, and easy to manipulate enough to think going off to war is a great idea. GLORY!! HONOR!!


If men knew beforehand what it was like to go through life in a wheelchair without legs, do you think they’d be so gung-ho to sign up for glory and honor? If they knew how they’d be left behind by politicians who sold them out to hide their own corruption? I could go on here, but you get the gist.

Some would. They would still make that decision. And it’s their legal right to do so. Their choice. But at least at that point, they have a full understanding of what they’re choosing. They’re better prepared mentally and emotionally for the potential consequences should things go bad. They won’t have the added burden of feeling betrayed and thrown under the bus by society.

That’s all this is. Older women want younger women to have a better understanding of certain things before they make certain decisions in life. To really know what they’re choosing, rather than the fictional narratives society spins to get young people to follow certain paths.

You see the same sorts of discussions about motherhood, military service, the value of college, marriage in general, glass ceilings, professional achievements, etc.

Ultimately, it’s all the same thing and comes from the same place. There’s a real sense of betrayal amongst Millennials and the younger half of GenX, that we got thrown under the bus. All those societal narratives were bullshit and we’ve been gaslit our entire lives.

We still have choices to make. We’re still capable of making them. It just might have been nice if we had known at 20 what the score really was.

How’s your cloaca? Hee hee.

Lastly, there is a predatory aspect of why these men seek out younger women. They’re not even hiding it. They’re just coming right out and saying it as though it’s something to be proud of; but, they wouldn’t have done so if older women hadn’t started asking the hard questions based on their own experiences.

I did love how you just conveniently glossed over that part though. Very fair and balanced. Not biased at all. Definitely part of the vagina patriarchy flexing it’s labia where it doesn’t belong.



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