Dude. There already are vaccine mandates and have been for years. You cannot go to school without having been vaccinated against measles, whooping cough, rubella, etc.
There are also already mask mandates. Mostly professional, but they exist. You can't work on old buildings without asbestos protection. You can't work on certain manufacturing processes without something.protexting you from the fumes. Would you want a doctor or a dentist to work on you WITHOUT a mask?
I think not.
Further, there were cities that passed mask mandates during the Spanish Influenza epidemic. They didn't even know about viruses then, but they knew masks offered at least some protection because doctors weren't getting sick at the same level. So they passed mandates as a TEMPORARY public health measure to save lives. And it worked. They had less death and less strain in their hospitals than neighboring cities that did not pass mandates.
You all act like you're going to be required to wear masks in public forevermore. That's nonsense and you're talking crazy.