Dude. The paedophilia and abortions are happening now. Today. As is the child abuse in Catholic schools.
The work houses and residential schools are a thing of the past but it is a recent past. I’m not talking about Inquisition days. There are still living victims. It’s within living memory.
Again, you don’t get a pass here. You’re no better than Evangelicals with their conversion therapy and purity culture.
I didn’t say celibacy inspired sexual abuse and predation. The Shakers are a celibate faith. They don’t have the same problem the Catholic Church does because they didn’t create a culture of silence or protect abusers if and when it happened.
People are celibate as individuals, for several reasons. It doesn’t make them predators.
No. What I said was that the Church, inadvertently, by providing protection to predators to avoid scandal, ended up attracting predators to the church. The put the reputation of the Church over the people of the church. Why give them your loyalty? They’re self serving.
These predators were never celibate. They only became a priest because they knew they’d be safe if they got caught and they’d have access to children or women (nuns, postulates) who could not protect themselves to victimize.
That, by the way is exactly the same reason why there are so many predators in little league, teaching, and professions that service children. Because predators go where the prey is. And who would believe it of someone who has dedicated their lives to helping children?