Dude. It was your confessional. Nobody forced you to write it. You weren’t tricked and nobody put words in your mouth. You were just stating how you feel in the same manner that I might say I enjoy a nice hot meal or I enjoy walking my dog.
You said you enjoyed redpill [culture, writings, community]and that they appealed to you on a tribal level.
Your choice to use the word "enjoy" here was what snagged my attention the way it did and prompted my response and brings us back to your attempt at a scathing rebuttal.
I have to ask, if you don’t like your comments to be 'psychoanalyzed' could you bother using a dictionary now an again?
Perhaps you’re feelings are hurt because you didn’t mean that you take delight and pleasure from the violence and hatred of women which is both rampant in all sectors of red pill as well as being the sole reason for it’s existence, but that you simply recognize that as a man you share possession of the ideology and benefit from it? That’s the secondary definition of enjoy by the way. To possess and benefit from. Is that what you meant?
Cause if that’s the case I’m not seeing how that makes you a victim of "victim feminism", a better human being, or any less deserving of female anger and scorn. Actually, you’re kinda asking for it.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Further, you claim that your enjoyment was tribal. Anything tribal is going to depend on some kind of kinship and allegiance.
Hmmm. So…. you think they’re wrong but you’re going to give them allegiance anyway. You think their ideology is misplaced, but hey! Bros before 'hoes, right?
Wow. Your brain must just feel like it’s full of wriggling worms right now. You must be so uncomfortable you’re about ready to lose it. Don’t worry though. You can always toddle off on back to your favorite red pill board so that your cognitive dissonance can enjoy some "soothing".
Another interesting and very telling choice of words.