Dude. I took a graduate level course in evolutionary biology and animal behavior. I have a BS in Wildlife Science.
Believe me when I tell you it’s not throwing anything out of those fields because the alpha male concept has not been applied to human males other than by sociology and evolutionary psychology.
Therefore, you can easily see how it’s an abstract based on smoke and mirrors and male fantasy just like the whole harem fantasy and justification for polygamy and cheating was propped up by studies of white tailed deer years ago.
That’s what happens when you anthropomorphize behavioral observations. It doesn’t make it real. Too bad it’s not as easy to root out the nonsense from the narratives we tell ourselves once they take hold as it was for DNA studies to root out the belief that male deer secured the right to mate by battle (rut) and conquest. Female deer are mating with whatever buck they want when they want regardless of who wins territorial battles.
The wolf studies that came up with the descriptors "alpha" and so on were rudimentary. It was a science writer and then a sociologist who took those studies and falsely applied them to humans. The wolf studies have since been, I won’t say debunked, but revised to include fuller behavioral observstions, including that the "alpha" isn’t always the "alpha". They slip in and out of roles, just like well balanced people do.
You can say it doesn’t matter, but it does because men didn’t start acting like entitled little pricks until that idiotic book captured the public’s attention. The behavior followed the narrative, not the other way around where the narrative describes the behavior. There’s your common sense. It’s not evolutionary psychology if the behavior follows the narrative. That’s cultural, which means it’s an abstract construct. A choice.
It’s been downhill for men ever since that choice was pursued. Now you men can’t get dates, you’re lonely (big surprise), and you’re killing yourselves and others in an epidemic of violence.
Men in other countries who haven’t adopted this idiotic ideology don’t have the same problems. They can still get a date and act like a human being.
Things won’t improve for men until they stop trying to act like what they’re not. We’re a social species, not a predatory one. In the meantime, they’ll continue finding themselves alone and eating the occasional bullet.