Don’t you mean Pigkpouinophobia? Or maybe Eudyptulaphobia (if you’re a Navy or regular Seal)?
Can we call you a weirdo about the seal thing? Who doesn’t love seals? Sorry, but it’s just weird.
If you actually did mean pingophobia here, as in fear of being labeled (pinged), wouldn’t that make you the pingophobe?
Mostly I’m just being a jackass because of your admitted phocidaphobia, but something didn’t quite work there for me.
You can return the favor at a later date by making fun of my fear of alligators though not with esoteric phobia names. As far as I know, there’s not one specifically for alligators. You could use herpetophobia but that would be inaccurate or a flat out lie because snakes, lizards, and turtles don’t bother me in the least. It’s just the alligators.