1 min readDec 1, 2021


Dolly would be great. I love Dolly. Queen Latifah too, but then you’re running into that inability to be quiet. Haha.

Dolly could totally pull off that Mountain Mama stance, with the coffee cup, sideways stare, fisted hand on the hip, slow turn. She had one, so it’s in her blood. She’d have them quaking in their suspenders all right.

None of them could ever be Queen. America would never accept a queen. I’ts got to be something like a lottery based on popularity amongst the people. Promoted as a civic duty, and fun, like Harvest Festival Queen who “locks" the mayor up.

We’ve got more problems than just the President having to give a report though, there’s Congress to consider.

That’s where Greta come in. Admit it, wouldn’t you just love to sic her on Mitch McConnell? Or MTG? OT Boebert? Gaetz Former, and Hawley? I know I would.

Yeah, so shouty, angry teenager as a special Congressional project to get rid of all the Quakers cult and a lottery 'Queen' for daily Presidential rebuke over coffee.

Say something stupid and promote conspiracy theories? Go get some sanity shouted back into you.

Fail to get things moving? Go have coffee with Mama. Maybe she won’t knock your teeth out with that coffee cup.

It’s brilliant.



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