Do I?
I don't know about that either. There's some ambiguity around misandry. The dictionsry defines misandry as the hatred of men.
Okay, that's clearly open to some interpretation. What do we mean by hate? Does things about men, like their position of societal supremacy or things they do or the fact that they define their manhood by othering women in a dehumanizing women count as the men themselves?
Wouldn't that be like saying I hate your hairstyle and so therefore I must also hate you as a person?
Where's the line there?
Really, what the hell are we talking about?
That's why I'd don't get too fussed about being labeled a misandrist. It's practically meaningless in comparison. It just doesn't have the weight and sting of it that being a misogynist does.
Look at the definition of misogyny: the hatred or prejudice against women, typically exhibited by men. It is generally accepted that misogyny is a consequence of patriarchy (male-dominated society), and the term may be applied to certain individuals as well as larger systems, societies, or cultures.
Misogyny is systemic and a cultural feature. It's been around a lot longer too. Aristotle famously said that women were inferior, deformed versions of men.
Men do not experience prejudice in this society the way women do.
As a gay man, you should understand the difference because you do get that societal contempt due to being part of the queer continuum. You don't experience contempt because of being male.
Now, it is somewhat different for women because the men who hate us also love fucking us and gain status amongst their peers for displays of domination over us. So a lot of that contempt is back handed, coded, and more subversive, in comparison to the prejudices you face, or racism.
That doesn't mean it's not there. It means it's more cloaked. It's a school of piranha, a pack of hyenas, or a vulture vs a Jaguar, a killer whale, or a wolf pack.