3 min readMay 17, 2022



Republicans are the ones who pushed for the overturn so they'll be the ones blamed. Democrats may not have codified Roe when they had the chance, but it wasn't urgent then. Roe had already been the "law of the land" for decades, abortions were going down instead of up, and dealing with the recession and thr bank bail out naturally took primacy. Regardless of that oversight, they never undermined abortion rights.

Next, Republicans and religious fundamentalists got the support of Republican women off of two things. One, the promise that the bans were not about punishing women. Second, the other "Big Lie" that abortion is being used as a means of birth control. The state laws coming out and Republican rhetoric about going after birth control next are showing them just how duped they allowed themselves to be. I guess you haven't noticed, but they're not dancing in the streets for joy or crowing Hallelujah. They're scared. Some of the most vocal pro-life women are talking about the draconian measures and over reach of these state laws. They're shocked and realize that women will die, maybe them, maybe their sisters, daughters, or friends. They're taking note of the arrests that have already taken place and culture of fear with the bounty law in Texas. They're waking up to the fact that they've been betrayed and liberal women were right all along.

Lastly, Congress is predominantly men. Even with more women than ever before, it is still majority men. More importantly, at least half of these men are blithering idiots, at least in regards to women's issues. Look, I can't speak for all women any more than Gloria Steinem can. But. When I see Republican Congressman after Congressman get in front of a camera saying the most absurd stupid shit that a 9th grade Biology or Health should have educated him otherwise? Stuff like if a woman gets pregnant she wasn't really raped because the female body had a way of shutting that shit down and ectopic pregnancies aren't real, they're a myth; but they can be transplanted? I am not filled with confidence that these men, in their arrogance and hubris that being male they naturally know everything about everything, they are not going to pass some stupid law (or set of) that will fuck my life and the lives of all my American sisters straight to hell. They can't even tell the difference between a reptile and a mammal. Nor can the suss out the incongruity of having more privacy and bodily autonomy rights granted to corpses than to living, breathing, citizens.

These are not the men you want making life and death decisions for you. You'd be just as well off tossing a coin or or leaving it to a drunken fraternity. Honestly, what's the difference?

I'm thinking every Republican (and Joe Manchin) who voted against codifying Roe is going to on the chopping block their next election cycle. 12 to 15 of them are going to have to face that gauntlet this election cycle.

I think there's also going to be a push to impeach a few SC justices for lying under oath during their confirmation hearings. Otherwise, the SC loses legitimacy. You may dislike Sotomayor, but she's right. There's no way, given Alieto's language in the leaked draft they can claim not being wholly politicized, at least not with a straight face.



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