Did you get triggered? You realize I wasn't talking about all men. I was talking about one man. The man she referenced in the first half of her article. You can tell because I highlighted a specific statement and responded to it. Really, I was talking g about one person, who happened to be a man in this instance.
She didn't shift to discussing a more general dynamic seen in men and discussed by thr Sovereign Woman till after that.
As to what his motivations are, whether they're subconscious intent or not, whether he realizes or not...who cares?
That's a him problem, not a her problem.
It's not her job to fix or over extend energy and resources trying to understand him, unless she wants to. She doesn't.
Her job is to take care of herself, her family, and anyone else in her circle of care.
He's not in it. He doesn't deserve to be in it because he's flinging bullshit. He's disrespecting the hearth of her spirit/soul. He's where he doesn't belong. He belongs out in a sty with all the other pigs (men and women, cause this is about the person, not the gender) who insist on wallowing in mental and emotional filth and flinging it onto everyone they come into contact with. Misery loves company. He needs to go find it amongst those who are looking to share soke of that misery and leave everyone else alone.
Pearl's still single, last I heard.