Did they say that after looking in the mirror? Except for the single mother part that is. Who do they think these moms that disgust them so much got fat and got tatts with?
At least the fat, tattooed single moms still have their teeth and aren't walking around with full on metal mouth thinking they're the shit.
And yet still. None of these I-gots-to-have-a-place-to-park-my-penis brigade are so disgusted by these women they look down on that they won't lie, manipulate, coerce, and hound them trying to get laid and just Go Their Own Way.
Dude. You can just miss me with this bullshit. I'd take you up on your suggestion to put on some weight and get covered in tattoos, walk around with my head in my phone all damn day to get the never ending pack of fruit flies to leave me alone but I already know from my tattooed single mom friends it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever.