Did he meet someone from the Phillipines (who is no longer in the Phillipines or who he just randomly met while there) or did he go to the Phillipines specifically to acquire a wife, usually utilizing a "dating service".
These are not the same thing.
Understand, this article and the comments are not talking about normal meeting and dating but internationally. Don't conflate the two.
This conversation is about men bragging about going overseas to get a gf or wife ....in order to oppress her .... because no woman in his home country will submit to his petty demands. So he's looking elsewhere to exploit a more vulnerable woman.
However, more than likely, it is he who will be exploited.
This is not a dig on the people from any nation. All nations have good citizens. All nations have a criminal element. People who choose to exploit others often find themselves marked for exploitation as well.
No one is saying that all Filippinos are criminal or anything like that.
Don't conflate.