Dear boy, if you can't keep up with the conversation, don't try to be clever. You just embarass yourself.
#NotAllMen. We were talking about specific men, not all men. What men? Men on dating apps and MeetUp events. Men who were offered friendship and declined it.
Especially in the case of MeetUp Events, which is more about making friends with common interests in the first place.
From the way her statement was worded that she was left we know that taking sex off the table was the direct reason friendship was refused in these particular interactions she's referring to. As in one followed the other. Like, things were going great and they were hitting it off and having a good time, then as soon as she said she only wanted to be friends his behavior/interest immediately flipped.
We women all also know a large number of men are just looking for sex. We've all run into them. Been rejected by them for either not putting out fast enough so they can move on to their next fix, wanting more than just a convenient situationship, or wanting a platonic relationship with them. And yeah, they do often come across like crack addicts looking for their next fix. A crack addict isn't exactly friends with their dealer either. Their use to them is based solely on their addiction.
It should go without saying, that's not all men. It was clear all along.