1 min readDec 15, 2023


Dad decided at the 11th hour (7 months pregnant) that he was insufficient to the task at hand and he bailed, tapped out, went back to his first love, feeling sorry for himself and blaming everyone else for his feelings of inadequacy and letting his beer cans know all about it.

All for the better. Easier to raise her without that having to deal with dead weight, especially in regards to addressing these problems.

Urchling got longer before having to deal with the objectification and sexualization of children, it wasn't normalized, nor was she stripped of autonomy or parentified.

I myself was 11 when the sexualization started. And it did change things for me. All of a sudden I had to be aware of things and dangers that I'm simultaneously too young to know about to preserve my innocence and purity. Lolz. It's a tight rope. A needle's eye. A meridian trench to navigate till adulthood. Not many make it through unscathed.

Still too early to tell if she will completely self-actualize, but it's clear she's much further along earlier on than most of us. So, fingers crossed.



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