2 min readNov 14, 2021


Cousins maybe, in that they both advocate against government authority especially in what should be private matters.

In the end though, anarchists want no government, no regulations, no rules. Human nature makes this impossible. Libertarians want limited government, political freedom, rules that make sense and are fair, and a constant review and winnowing of regulations.

Cousins, but not the same. Maybe anarchists are dreamers and libertarians are realists of the same ideology though. Maybe that's kinda the point you're trying to make?

Because, tbh you know, I look at the basic kernel ideology of anarchy and I think "yep! Sounds like utopia". But, it makes the assumption that most people would be and think more in line with me (my ideals), right? They would enjoy their rights but be extremely mindful of everyone else's at the same time. They would care about their neighbor. They wouldn't get off on hurting other people, animals, nature, the environment, other nations--they would avoid it at all costs. They would still want to be part of and invest in a community instead of being isolationists. They would make a point to leave behind better than what they found. They wouldn't be resource gluttons, or have to have it now. They would always be thinking about 100 or 200 years down the road; they would be building today for those people then and they wouldn't have to be coerced or forced into it. They would want to.

See how quickly we fell off the rails? It's a pipe dream. It'll never happen. Go ahead and laugh. I admit it's naive, a little girl's dream of flowers and rainbows and sparkly unicorns for everyone.

So I grew up as must we all. No sparkly unicorns. But maybe, just maybe, with just the right amount or rules and regulations ... if we watch the rule makers like a hawk and never blindly trust them .... maybe we can still have enough flowers and rainbows for the people to be happy, or maybe content. For there to be peace. For families to thrive. And for people to feel free and have what they need.

Maybe. Either way, you've got to admit it's a better goalpost to shoot for than our increasingly feudal 2.0 future.



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