Countering the misinformation that Greta was responsible for his downfall. The Romanian police were already investigating him. The timing was serendipity and nothing more.
Not promoting dumb ass government conspiracy theories or any other obfuscations or misinformation just because you're a fan.
Not making light of the charges against him.
Not suggesting the women who made statements as part of the investigation did so because "somebody" paid them to.
Leaving it to the courts. Report what happens. No more. But no less either.
Not being an apologist for an accused human trafficker and rapist. If he's innocent, let him face the charges like everyone else without dumping on a teenage girl who had absolutely nothing to do with his alleged crimes, his arrest, or whether or not he is found guilty.
Although, a bunch of you apologists will likely do just that because you can't seem to fucking help yourselves. Somebody should have warned you that small dick energy is contagious and to keep a safe distance from misogynist pigs.