Couldn't agree more. It makes a world of difference in how a wan perceives herself.
Bringing up my Urchling, that's how she got that name and why. It's a portmandeau of Youngling from Star Wars and a spiny sea urchin.
That was how I taught her to set her boundaries when she was a toddler. If somebody tried to pick her up she didn't want to, she pretended to be a sea urchin.
I did that complete overhaul as much as I could figure out how to do at the time.
Urchling is 19 now.
Urchling doesn't hate her body. She's confident. She doesn't walk through the world riddled with anxiety. She expects her personal space to be respected. She's not afraid to say no. She doesn't feel guilty or shame over setting boundaries and she'll defend them without guilt or shame.
Agree that the road to sexual autonomy and consent starts in infancy and toddlerhood. This education needs to happen at home. Even on things beyond the right to your own body.