Conversely, I have known many couples who have lived the way you advocate and hands down, they are the most miserable people known.
There's a lot of addiction, sullen silences, all they do is complain about each other, their lives are boring, they're isolated and lonely, they are not fulfilled and content.
There's a lot of resentment and regret.
Your article is sexist. Against women obviously but also agsinst men. You're taking an abstract idea, which is marginally useful for sandbox thinking, but then slapping it haphazardly across the breadth of humanity as THE way to do manhood and womanhood.
You are human first. Gender second. We all house all human traits within us. We might refer to ones as being either masculine or feminine based on that abstract sandbox thinking but there's a whole lot more overlap and word play to them than your abstract allows for.
That makes your thinking outside observable reality and that's why it leads to such poor outcomes when it's slapped on people like some kind of quality control sticker.