Considering the two ideologies are absolutely anathema, it absolutely is good logic.
People aren't what they say more than they are what they do.
We could say I'm a bank robber but if I've never robbed a bank and am not currently engaged in robbng banks, then I'm not a bank robber. I'm either a liar, am delusional, or have been falsely labeled by so.eone else, perhaps because I was seen wearing a ski mask.
The point here, is that a woman who advocates using men to better herself and falls upon religious dogma and rhetoric to do it, is not a feminist. Nor is she a feminist just because she is a woman or also on occasion uses actual feminist rhetoric to advance herself as well. No. This woman is an authoritarian minded user who will trounce over anyone to get what she wants. She is all about her, and no one else.
Lotta men like that too. Looking to get theirs and screw everyone else.
Let me invite you to recall the words of King and Angelou. Judge people by the content of their character and what they do in the world rather than the demonstrably fallacious claims they or someone else make about them. When their actions show you who they are....believe that, not spin, hype, propaganda, or what are in essence claims of a personality marketing campaign (Influencers).
These women are not feminists. They are not walking the walk.
These women are Influencers looking to make money by causing grievance and controversy.