Completely agree. Again, providee that they actually do go their own way and focus on themselves for themselves rather than yet another desperate attempt to snatch up a woman or sit and stew in bitterness.
I know and am friends with several MGTOW men and WGTOW women. I'm loosely WGTOW myself. From my experience, the vast majority of WGTOW women have no problem actually going their own way. Their lives arenmuch improved and fuller. They're happy and thriving. Biggest issue is money (they worry about retirement) as many are in low paying jobs.
The men can be divided in near half. Half are like the women described above, except about money. But they worry about retirement age and care if they need it then. On the whole, these guys are great. They're doing really well.
The other half can be divided again in half. Half sit and stew in bitterness. They're doing reasonably well overall. They're lives are less chaotic and fuller. They struggle with maintaining friendships because of that bitterness. They're a drag, emotionally draining to be around for long.
The other half (of that half) are doing all this stuff that doesn't serve them specifically in a pointless attempt to turn themselves into a Ken doll. They're turning themselves inside out to appease what they believe to be the female gaze. It's not going to work and it's not going to end well. I feel very bad for these men and I worry about them. If they follow the pattern of women who go down this path (remember, we were socialized and propagandized to for decades from infancy), they're going to fall into a pattern of self harm.
But I also know (from growing up alongside those girls) how it's almost impossible to save them from themselves. You can try to throw them a line, but they're typically flailing around in a panic too much to even see it. They're brainwashed by marketing propaganda.