Nov 30, 2021


Come on now. It's always going to be something. If it wasn't this, you men would find something else to be dissatisfied with us women. And vice versa.

The "you're too picky and you're going to die alone" bit isn't going to play any more. Truth is, we all die alone. And women typically outlive men so that's the big scary for you men, not for us. For us, it's just life.

The "too picky so lower your standards" ? No way. Not anymore. This trope of yours reeks of male desperation. Now that women have other options, y'all are finding out women think y'all have been oversold. Y'all aren't that great; and life is better for us without you, if we can't get the promised package.

You'll have to find some other way to define yourselves as men.



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