Come on, Benny. You know that's not what's being preached in churches who follow complementarian doctrine.
This is:
Complementarians believe that God created a hierarchical relationship between men, whose role is to lead in home and church, and women, whose role is to graciously submit to male leadership.
You can sugar coat it all you want. It inevitably leads to women being nothing more than a fuckmaid.
Anything from Calvin is fruit from a poisoned tree. He was a murderer, you know. Possibly even a psychopath, like, a serial killer level psychopath, only through the machinations of faith and religion.
That's who you want tonbase your faith beliefs on? You think that's gonna get you to heaven?
What did Jesus tell us about following apostates?
I know you'll blow me off because you're indoctrinated too deep.
But let's not pretend like this shit doesnt matter. It does.
Complementarianism is spiritually wrong and leads to the emiserstion of one gender to benefit the other. All in the name of Jesus.
The shame.