Clearly you haven't dated in a while. Or spoken to any men.
I actually agree with you that more often than not, it is women who initiate successful interactions by putting themselves in a man's path and signalling openness to approach and interaction.
But they do not notice these things we do. They're completely blind to them. They think k they're the only ones who ever get rejected, even though if you do these things and the guy doesn't notice or respond that's, by definition, a rejection.
They think they're entirely responsible for the whole thing and they cracking under the pressure. Again in large part due to the "man as hunter" myth you're further perpetuating here, even while you're contradicting yourself in practicality. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. Off the charts mental gymnastics. Nadia Comãnici needs a 10, but the scoreboard doesn't have enough place slots for the numbers. Jesus, it's embarrassing for you and your fellow gender essentislists.
Can't wait to see that dismount. Gonna be hard to get off that tower of absurdity....safely. Let me go get my popcorn.