Can't speak for all women or all female feminists. But nailed it here.
Got nothing at all against men. I hate the cultural ideology of "manhood".
Specifically, I hate that human characteristics that belong to all of us are sectioned off and assigned to genders. I hate that when I am appropriately aggressive that I get shamed and punished for it just because I'm a woman.
I hate when a guy has a child, he can't be tenderband caring with that child without being told he's less of a man for it.
I hate the bullies, both male and female who keep pushing this bullshit narrative for how we "have to" conduct ourselves and live our lives in the rest of us.
I hate the way it pits us all against each other. I hate the waste of time and waste of life it causes.
I'm sick to death of all the performing. I'm tired of bad street actors up in my face all the goddamned time with this craziness. I hate the constant pressure to perform in ways that are awkward, uncomfortable, and unnatural to myself just to satisfy some abstract held by the collective consciousness.