By that metric, I can't prove there is a war.
The only proof I have is what I've seen on the news as I'm on the other side of the world and cannot see for myself. Ultimately, it comes down to trust. You either trust the reporting you're seeing or you don't. It seems a little off to trust journalistic standards have been upheld about the war but not the rapes, especially when the information is coming from the same source.
It's not like I'm going to have access to autopsy reports. And they can be faked too, can they not?
I'm struggling to see the relevamce of your question. Whether the wen were raped or not...thousands were murdered in a terror attack on civilians by an invading terrorist army. Hostages were taken who have still not been returned. Blood was spilled.
Now, Gaza has been bombarded by thousands of missles. Thousands are dead. Tens of thousands are being deprived of food, water, and aid. Blood has been spilled. Civilian blood.
I will not armchair quarterback opinion debates with you about who deserves to live and who deserves to die. What's the matter with you?