1 min readFeb 8, 2025


Buy groceries before drugs, my suggestion.

I make less than 40K a year and we eat meat whenever we want it.

If you can't eat meat when your income is more than twice what I make in a year, your problem is NOT that you can't afford it.

We don't get any kind of assistance or try to cheat the system in any way either. We don't shuffle debt or hide behind dummy LLCs or any of that shit.

You have a spending problem, not an income or affordability problem. I'd guess it's due to some sort of entitlement issue given that unhinged rant and complete detachment from reality.

And your vote just set the stage for your woes to increase. You're going to have to refamiliarize yourself with reality, educate yourself, ditch the entitlement, and start being accountable to and responsible for yourself instead of blaming everyone else for your problems.

Otherwise you will starve on 100K a year while those with much much less are able to survive and thrive.



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