2 min readApr 27, 2024


But young men don't rebel against it. They complain about giw it's rigged for only Chads to get some.

Or write songs about how teenage girls choose Chads instead of "nice guys", which generally means them.

They covet and blame and malign women for their coveting and "not being picked" for what they perceived share of sexual conquest or exploit based on what type of person they think they are.

They don't rebel against the system for being unfair.

They get a chip on their shoulder because it was unfair to *them*.

And always, they blame women. Not society. Not culture. Not their own part in it. Can't even acknowledge that's how it is with preempting with #NotAllMen or #WomenParticipateInTheExploitstionToo.

They blame women.

You make it solely our burden to bear by dodging the smallest measure of accountability and then you tear women down who do try to change things. Each in her own way.

Like, say, a pop singer reflecring on her time in the dating gauntlet

So you make fun of her lyrics and post your own "better explaining" teenage girl rebellion and waxing poetic about how sad that was for you. Other Men mock how she looks, or her voice, or her faith, literally everything under the sun. She gets called everything but a child of God.

Like every woman who succeeds to the top, in every field.

Because is a woman succeeds, then somewhere lost at the exploitation game. To a girl.

And that's the real tragedy, amirite?

Enjoy that bandwagon, boys. Taylor Swift, all the successful women going through the same thing (like Simone Biles and Beyoncé) and the rest of us are just gonna shake you off. We won't let your covetous pettiness and vindictiveness define our lives.

Grow up. Or get lost.



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