But they are.
Your analogy doesn't work that well upon reflection. I get what you're saying, and I don't disagree with goals.
You've got a couple of problems here.
1. Men are not being punished like criminals for being sexist or doing sexist things. Nobody is going to jail for being sexist. What's happening is men are being shamed for the damage the culture of masculinity does to women, nonbinary, and then.
2. Shame is a societal tool used to prevent overt aggression of individuals within a group. That's why it works. Shame has long been the primary tool used to oppress women and minorities. Shame can be weaponized, but it's primary function is to act like a hockey check. You see this in many primate troups and amongst many other social species. Shame can feel brutal because the good will of the group is very important to individuals of social species; survival is tied to that group dynamic. Shame preceeds ostracization which preceeds exile which preceeds death. Shame is the first step on a path you don't want to be on as a social species. That's why it hurts as bad as it does.
3. Coming back to individual men vs "men", it's naive to think this unhealthy culture of masculinity that is so damaging to everyone who has to live within it is going to magically evaporate by just addressing "systemic issues". Especially considering that you clearly realize it's rooted deep within all our psyches.
4. Systemic issues don't just arise from a vacuum with no outside input. They're a development heavily dependent on belief systems. Ergo, if you "fix" the system without correcting the beliefs that spawned them, then the system will drift back to where it was and slowly reassert itself.
5. The belief here is obviously one of male superiority. It is in everything. Rooted deep, as you said. Men define themselves in the same way that negative space is defined. By what they are not and in a manner that makes all these things and different people they are not bad, evil, monsterous, contemptuous, disgusting, and so forth and so on. Men are NOT WOMEN, men are NOT GAY, men are NOT WEAK, men are NOT and endless list of things and people that are others so that the man can feel superior.
6. Until men find a way to define themselves in a way that does not "other" in a supremacist way, it won't matter how much tidy up "the system"; anything you do will be a bandaid and nothing more.
7. It's got to be both, workint in conjunction. Men need to know that if they cling to those beliefs there will be consequences. They will lose the support and good will of the group (the rest of humanity) and not be thought well of.
8. If we learned nothing else from #MeToo, it's that asking men to change based on a vague and unsubstantiated idea of their thinking the best of them does little over all and the shame of male behavior was never ours to carry.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the podcast the ither commenter mentioned. I bookmarked it on Spotify.