But by "society" you mean women. Come on.
Because men are getting tons of advice from other men who are Influencers making money off men's insecurities on how to be more attractive.
It's just bad advice. Clearly. Because if it was good advice, it would be working, wouldn't you think?
They're getting better, yet still imperfect advice from women. But they don't respect women enough to listen to them.
So what you're really saying here is that you want women to extend sympathy for these poor guys who are often abusive toward them on the advice of Influencers and to give them pointers that they won't listen to in the first place on how to be more attractive to women.
And exactly how is this supposed to move the needle any? If that was a real solution, don't you think you'd see some success from it already? Don't you think men would be swamping women's content online to listen, ask real questions, and learn rather than to shame, harass, and degrade?