Jun 15, 2023


Believe it or not, I hope that for you too.

For myself, I just hope that one day my choice will be respected and (mostly) men will stop behaving as though it's a personal affront to them, and that everythinf wrong in the world is my fault, and because I have (eventually) chosen a life without them that means I think they're all monsters.

I do think there's a fair equivalence to rattlesnakes (I see and hear a lot of other people equating men to guns -- same basic idea) but rattlesnakes aren't monsters and they aren't evil. They're just rattlesnakes; with a potential to harm you should be wary of.

Then I can die completely happy, in a state of virtual bliss. As things are, I'm stuck at being able to die mostly happy. Better than most, I reckon.



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