Being a gym creep is not a crime.
The problem here is not a turn away from law. It's that the law as is has never been enough to properly redress sexual abuses.
That leaves social censure to redress rising abuse.
The problem is that men are equating mild social censure with being charged as a criminal.
But someone saying publicly that your behavior was unwanted, intrusive, and threatening to them is not the same as being detained by authorities, handcuffed, put in the back of a cruiser, hauled down to the station, booked, having a mugshot made, put in a cell, having to hire a lawyer, arraigned, having ro post bail, having to appear before court, have whatever you did closely scrutinized by a jury of your peers, and being judged guilty or innocent and then being sentenced to jail if found guilty where you are separated from your family and friends, will lose your job, lose anything you can't cover financially, and be caged for said length of time, under guard, with other violent prisoners. When you get out, your job prospects never recover. You might have lost your family and friends, depending on what you did.
To make the claim that these two are anywhere near comparable is absolutely preposterous. One actually does ruin your life. The other one, you lose the benefit of the doubt and people don't have as high an unearned opinion for you anymore. You're expected to earn trust rather than just have it handed to you for you to abuse other people.
One is an opportunity to learn via social censure, which is what social censure is for by the way, to exist peacefully in a social dynamic with others when portions have been failing to do so.
Let's not forget the levels of sexual violence in all its forms that women have had to endure for centuries.
If we weren't enduring it.... If the law provided sufficient redress.....there would be no need for social censure as a means to attempt redress.
The OP speaks of #MeToo disrupting peace between the genders.
If the genders were at true peace to begin with, why would there have been an outcry in the first place? The reality is one gender has been suffering attrition at the hands of the other for quite some time.
All this deflection around "men's feelings" is nothing but an attempt to sweep that reality back under the rug. To normalize and validate the violence women face at the hands of men.