Before you men allow yourselves to get overwrought over these articles, bring your attention around to a few things.
It’s the same people promoting this idea over and over again.
Check out the comments sections of these articles. Clearly, more women are disagreeing with it than agreeing and they’re not staying silent about it. They’re being very specific about their disagreements with it actually.
There are starting to be articles dissenting the notion pop as well. Jessica Wildfire wrote one not too long ago. There was another really good one but I forget who wrote it. Maybe Lisa Marten? No. That’s not right. Sorry it’s been a while and I’ve forgotten.
Some women who have written an article slamming coffee dates have been surprised they’re actually in the minority on this view, but have then had the grace to later say so based on commentary of their article. Ossiana Tepfenhart comes to mind. Point is, I’m not seeing a lot of doubling down here, making it take root as propaganda like a lot of comparable nonsense coming from the male side of the dating equation. That vocal dissent matters and has a tangible effect.
And lastly, all the back and forth, if you pay attention, proves what women have been saying all along. We’re not a monolith or a give mind. There is no magic formula where if you follow a certain procedure the magic pussy sending machine opens up. Different people are different, with different likes and dislikes, especially when it comes to dating. And even though these articles are written in a persuasive or command style, they’re still just one person’s (or a small group’s) opinion. They’re not representative of all women and women are proving they will not be easily swayed from their own knowing by bullshit propaganda.
So let’s calm down about it and not feed it unnecessary attention. This is not a hair on fire moment.
Relax. Have a cup of coffee.