2 min readMay 13, 2024


Before she got deplatformed from TikTok, back whenever that was, she had a clip up where she laid out exactly why she does what she does.

Like everything Pearl says, let her go long enough and in her exuberence over hearing her own voice, she'll eventually stumble over her true motives.

She contradicts herself a lot.

Her father got her a job. A cushy desk job as a receptionist or something.

Pearl didn't like to work. I'm guessing she really disliked the money and having to adult.

Pearl looked for an easy way out of adulting.

Pearl found the Influencer life appealing and a lot of money to be made in misogyny.

Pearl does not and never has intended on living the life she preaches.

The homeless guy? He was a fellow Influencer or something making money off hate. A fellow dirt bag, in other words. They never even really dated. They hooked up and then he or the other one outed her for not being a virgin.

These people are trash. Theyre narcissistic, self absorbed thundercunts who only ever think about themselves. They'll do whatever they can get away with to advantage themselves.

These are the sort who would lure their own Mama into a back alley on Mother's Day to sell her kidneys to an organ procurer if it would get them what they want. Even a cheap cigarette lighter, rather than offer to sweep a store in exchange for one.

They'll walk 10 miles for mischief that puts one over on somebody else but won't turn around and go 10 steps for kindness toward someone who truly needs it.

Pearl isn't "damaged".

Pearl is likely a sociopath.

Open your eyes. And stop giving her attention.



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