Because these influences and their rhetoric being applauded and given so much attention and voice are showing the disgusting whole ass of the adherence to those thoughts.
And it's not just the alpha bros, though they seem to be the loudest and proudest. TradWife Influencers say some pretty horrific and abusive to men things too. Men are not mules and sperm donors. They're people too.
This current pushing of traditio Al gender roles and gender tropes has taken a rather ugly turn. It was always ugly, but it's gone next level ugly. Disintegration of social ties and bonds ugly.
Because in order for people to meet and eventually pair bond, you need a few things to be set and sacrosanct. Inviolable.
1. Basic good will between the sexes. First and foremost.
2. Mechanisms, effective ones, in place to redress bad actors appropriately and reduce harm. It's got to be a fair playground.
3. High value on social skills and respecting the human dignity of the other.
4. A place to meet and mingle, exercising all the above, with the sacrosanct right to say no to anyone who isn't cranking your tractor.
5. Education and moral imperative to treat the other with integrity and respect. That means being honest about intent and intention.
That's what you need for and social species to pair bond effectively. Even if it's just for a night.
Now. Where in the rhetoric of Influencers, pod cast twerps, dating coaches and "gurus", media in general, etc., do you see those 5 things on display, much less being focused on? It's few and far between, right?
Then is it any wonder that social bonds are eroding and that presumption of trust, good will, and fair intent has all built disappeared?
In the end, gender tropes and gender roles destroy the fabric of society. If that weren't true, you wouldn't need laws subordinating one sex to the other to keep it all together.