Because there's no law against being a jackass.
You act like men don't do this too. They do. And you're right, when they do, any women with any self respect head for the hills pronto. Naturally.
So why aren't men doing the same? What's stopping them? Other than themselves?
They're not being forced into accepting ridiculous standards.
Does it not stand to reason that if women are responsible for checking this behavior in men by rejectinf them, then men are responsible for rejecting women in the same manner and for the same reason?
Neither side gets to have it both ways here. Fair is fair.
Unrealistic standards I heard from men before I opted out of dating:
* Fit, meaning 120 lbs regardless of height or body type
*Pretty, as in glamourous
*Has to keep up the house to his standards
*Has to want lots of children
*Has to forgive his slip ups, meaning be okay with constant and rampant cheating.
*Has to stay out of his business.
*Loyal, meaning constantly prove fealty by whatever means he feels he needs.
*Has to put him before anyone else.
*Low body count
*Be a virgin
*Less than 25 years of age
*Has to contribute half or more to the financial maintenance of the household but can't out earn him.
*Has to obey him on everything
*Has to ditch all other males in her life or agree to never be alone with them.
* Has to be a certain breast naturally, but have butt implants.
*Has to eat right, meaning a "girl" diet.
* Has to be heroin skinny
* Has to take care of his mom.
* Has to be a certain shoe size.
I'll stop there. Suffice it to say, I've heard it all near enough. So let's not act like men's shit don't stink here too.
In fact, any woman's worth her salt will look at this list and correctly point out that a lot of it screams Coercive Control Narcissist.
They call it standards or preferences. Bless them.
Was anyone actually confused that women could be Narcissists and users too? Hmm? Really?
And yet, as a society we have decided that protection from these people is up to their individual targets, until the suffer a Narcissistic Collapse and kill you. Maybe.
Welcome to the romance trenches gentlemen. Have a biscuit.