Because the whole thing is a response to misogynists from the manosphere. Basically, that collective has been trolling feminists and women on social media saying women are in the wrong to notngive men a chance when they hit on is in public, no matter they go about it, because women need men to provide things for them because women are incapable of taking care of themselves so women should show more gratitude to men and give them sex and attention whenever they want it because we owe civilization to them and would have nothing were it not for male benevolence.
This diatribe went on for-e-ver so feminists and women responded: No. We don't need men anymore for those things and even when we did it wasn't becaise we are incapable, it's because we were barred from education and banished from all trades to the domestic sphere. We don't owe you anything for civilization because we created it too. Most of us would love to be in partnership with men, but not if you're going to treat us like shit. We don't owe you live and affection. You don't owe us. That's not a relationship, that's a transaction. We're not whores. Please get your heads out of your asses.
So, the whole thing is a broad social media discussion over the right to one's own body and who one chooses to spend time with or not.
It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.
It's got nothing to do with my personal preferences or what's more or less important.
It's a basic statement of autonomy.