Badly worded maybe, but conservatives are most certainly acting like they no longer know what a woman is.
Is it performative? Yep. Does that matter? Apparently not.
I agree with the author. Doesn't mean I don't want healthcare and equality for all LGBTQ. I just sincerely believe all this rancor over insisting language like "womb carriers", "vaginated persons", "breeders", and "menstruators" has been harmful and degrading to women. I believe it was a strategic misstep of the movement. It reeks of misogyny.
Yet, I believe in inclusivity. Strongly.
I don't agree with everything that's come out of feminism either. The pink pussy hats were a huge mistake, in a recent example. Taking "mansplaining" beyond what was described in Rebecca Solnit's essay was another one. These are hardly the only ones. But I still believe in the ideals of feminism.
I'm also not a fair weather friend. I would never turn away from feminism because the movement made a mistake like a lot of so called allies and feminists have done. Only if it completely abandoned the ideology of equality between the sexes.
Likewise, I would never abandon my support for the LGBTQ movement or for Indigenous rights and the Land Back movement.
Speaking of, it's not like the Trans community has created collateral damage with it's advocacy lately. Feminists did the same thing promoting the use of Tribal lands as safe havens for abortion centers. As a result the Supreme Court just ended tribal sovereignty from state governments. I spoke out against this and harshly criticized the entitlement of feminists pushing this idea, just not on this platform.