Back in the late 80s and early 90s when I was a teen and young adult, there was a lot of societal pressure on girls to "help a guy past his social awkwardness". The way it worked out was that it required young women to assume at all costs that the guy in question was worthy of trust until proven otherwise.
The obvious problem with this arrangement was that if you assume safe until harm occurs, you basically offering yourself up as a buffet to a host of nefarious people.
Interestingly, at the same time due mostly to Hollywood influence, there was also a ridulous amount of pressure to drink and "party". You weren't cool if you didn't party. You were hazed in the same fashion you describe by your friends if you declined a drink. As a girl, there were other things you got hazed over by other girls too, that I won't get into the specifics of.
This is part of growing up. There's not a single type of person on this planet who does not eventually have to deal with the hazing of friends over one thing or another. Men do not have some special burden here.
Learning to say no and standing your ground without losing your shit or mentally coming unglued as to your self worth is just part of growing up.
If you don't or can't, you'll always be chasing after respect and you'll never find it because in the end, no one will respect you until you respect yourself first.
Most of us learned this lesson in high school and faces the challenge enough to move forward.
Men are not being forced to dog after women. This argument is lame.