Awww. That's sweet. I'm sure you'll get your wish sooner or later. You can come back and down vote me then. Keep the dream alive.
"We are intrinsically an object and the object of of others actions, feelings, and/or words." -- that's interesting. This is how you see the world?
I'm no longer surprised;I wasn't really before, but this explains it.
Can't explain such a thing in a quick comment. So.e things ...if you know, you know. If you don't, it's going to take a while to get there.
And that's up to the guide to determine if they want to fool with you, leading you from breadcrumb to breadcrumb till you stop arguing about the "rightness" of your world view and come to understand that others have a different experience.
It's an article idea. Maybe I'll write about it sometime, but let's be honest. Anything I say here you're just going to dismiss out of hand too because that's not how YOU do things.
Go on with your bad self then.