Au contraire mon frère. (I can never remember which way the accent goes). It very much is a soap opera. I keep waiting for cousin Stefano to pop out behind a set of "luxury" curtains to accuse other cousin One-Eyed Wally (who thinks taking on the moniker of "One-Eye" will detract from the fact that he's going bald, badly, and make him more dashing, even with two clearly functioning eyes) of spurious cheating before great aunt Gizzard Breath Glenda passed out and makes us all wait abother 3 nonths to find out how exaxtly affairs can be spurious (we're gonna need either move by move details or Monty Python. Maybe both..... Probably both) and whether or not that halitosis came from her 50 year drinking problem or kissing Louie the cat too fondly after feeding him raw chicken gizzards because she's got the dementia and misses her secret French lover.
I'm out of bounds as an American and I know it, but I want to nominate that title of "the firm" be replaced henceforth forevermore to "The Trainwreck".
I know I'm an outsider, but I feel they've more than earned it, each in their own unique ways.
In recompense, y'all can mock the Mango Mussolini to your hearts content and I'll whoop up on anybody who gives you any guff about it.
Is it hypocritical? Hmm 🤔. I might say I want my privacy but that doesn't mean I want it from Urchling.
When they said they wabtes their privacy were they clear about from whom? Like their batshit crazy family and the bat shit crazy British tabloids? All the batshit crazy lunatics who refuse to go live their own life and read that tripe? Or just in general?
I wasn't paying attention because I don't care, having a life of my own, so I really dont know. But I'd say if any of or any combo of the first 3, they are not hypocrites. If the 4th, then they're being hypocrits. That's my ruling.
While you're coming up with your very best mockings, please don't leave out Marginated Traitor Trash or Pole Polisher Boobert as we'd love to hear a British take on that lot. Feel free to consult Monty or Mr. Bean if you need to.
While you were gone, did you hear what the orange turd did?