At this point I’ve read thousands of complaints by men griping about how they can’t get dates. Your’s falls into the same litany of complaints, diatribes if you will, of how most ‘real’ men can’t meet those standards... the money, the house, the abs, the fancy schmancy lifestyle, the prestigious career, yadda yadda yadda.
Believe it or not, on one hand I sympathize. Truly. Harsh as I often am toward a lot of guys with this lament, cause good grief, it has worn thin. I sympathize. I sympathize because in a way, you men are where we women were (and many still are) around marketing propaganda of the ideal woman. We called it the beauty myth. I don’t think you men have gotten around to naming it for yourselves yet.
It’s all bullshit. It was bullshit that women needed implants and starvation diets to get a man. It’s bullshit that men need to be 6 feet, with a 6 pack, and a 6 figure income to get a date. It’s all bullshit. Take a breath.
At this point I’ve read thousands of comments from women saying what they find desirable in men. They are screaming from the internet rafters. Know what’s not on that list? 666. Haven’t seen a single one. Closest are comments like, "it would be nice, but it’s not a deal breaker because those things aren’t likely to last anyway. I’d much rather have ...". There are many such remarks in this very thread. Maybe you could go read them? With a clear head and an open heart?
In the end, I know nothing I or any other woman says will make a difference. You’re all so convinced. Like I said, we’ve been there with the body dysmorphia. It’s a tough one to root out, for sure. And it truly sucks to believe at the core of your being that there’s something wrong with you and you’re not good enough.
In fairness, a lot of you men tried to tell us. Not enough to drown out the propaganda. But some of you tried. You’ve got a lot more voices trying to call you back to reason than we had, cause there’s that experience now. If only you’d listen.
I just think it’s a damn shame that in willfully swallowing this propaganda poison you think that the standards women have stated are desirable numerous times are harder to obtain than 666.
Is telling the truth really harder than insane workouts to get a six pack? A six pack that will start to fade the minute you quit the workouts? Is living a life of integrity really harder than getting some impossible medical procedure to stretch/shrink yourself to 6 feet? Is behaving like a mature adult who respects other mature adults really harder than getting a $100,000/yr job? Really?
That bar is too high? That’s the hill you’re willing to die on?
Then most of us women will happily stay single and spare ourselves the disappointment. Wouldn’t want to put y’all out with such ridiculously high standards.