Assuming your argument is made in good faith, there are two problems with your supposition.
Firstly, the justice system is hamstrung by the numbers to deal with this issue properly. In other words, keeping criminal behavior in line via policing and court cases requires that the behavior be a rare occurrence, an oddity, or not socially acceptable or normalized. Comparing murder with rape for example we find that 3.9 per 100,000 people are murdered per year or an estimated 20,000 people commit murder in the US every year vs. the 27.3 per 100,000 rapes reported each year. I cannot find a stat citing how many people rape each year or even a compelling estimate as rape is THE most underreported crime, is rarely prosecuted, and it’s a blind guess as to how many perpetrators are repeat offenders. The rape statistic here is for reported cases of a completed rape. It does not consider attempted rapes or instances of sexual assault or misconduct that do not include rape. Another statistic estimates that 1 in 6 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime at least once. These are staggering numbers.
Clearly, it’s too widespread a problem to be left solely to the courts as sexual violence and
abuse is better defined as a cultural problem. The courts can not realistically keep up which brings us to the second problem with your supposition. You cannot solve a cultural problem through the courts first. It’s society that decides what is abnormal and criminal behavior and then makes laws to support cultural beliefs, not the other way around. It’s always been that way. Social media is just a new platform for discussions that have taken place all along. In years gone by such social discussions took place around fireplaces, in newspapers, at quilting bees, in speeches, at the barber shop, in pamphlets and essays, in churches, and in books. It’s disingenuous to say that what’s happening on social media is a new thing. It’s not, it’s just a new venue.
So we, as a society, have to have a place and time to define, explain, educate, and refine our conduct toward each other for our collective society to grow and flourish, otherwise eventually we won’t have a society. This process never ends because our society and culture must change to accommodate the changes time beings to our circumstances. Any society or culture that stagnates and refuses to adapt dies. And so do their people.
Our choice.