As far as we let them get away with. Make no mistake, this is a struggle for power and existence for them. They let certain faith rule the roost and pull the faith away from it's ideological roots. They've been hypocrits forever.
Nobody's buying it any more and they can't fill their pews. Make no mistake that churches are businesses too. The business is a grift, but it's a business nonetheless.
If they can't fill their pews by a fair market scheme, they'll have to fill them by a monopoly scheme: getting rid of the competition, which in this case, means the choice to not attend. Like any other monopoly, they will push forward until they are busted up by a bigger force.
That's going to have to be us, the population collective. We HAVE to reject hate interpretations of religion. No quarter. They won't give anyone the 'other' any and that will eventuslly everomr who doesn't bend the knee and kiss the ring.
The world has seen this shit too many times before to pretend it can't see what's happening.