Are you kidding me, Tony?
This article was a quickly done 3rd person review throughout. Probably mostly written by an AI like chatGPT. It's sterile and middle of the road, trying to give voice to both sides of a very well known and well worn internet debate.
Nowhere in there, and certainly not in the paragraph I highlighted and responded to, did John Henry switch from 3rd person to first person, make any kind of statement about his personal relationship status, or talk about *his* feelings.
This is not being vulnerable in any way, shape, or form.
It's also clear that although he did try to acknowledge why women are becoming fed up with men, he's still gaslighting us while he's 'playing Switzerland', as evidenced by the many thoughtful rebuttal responses from women.
You keep responsing to my comments about alpha ideology and Incel culture with "this isn't the way, they're being vulnerable" type cimments as though men are a monolith.
You are not. You are not a monolith. Your thinking here is skewed.
I am not obligated to entertain the feelinfs or faux vulnerability of men who wish me harm any more than I'm obligated to entertwin thencrazed notions of women who think women don't deserve the right to vote. They're out there too, loud and proud. They, their beliefs, and their feelings mean me harm. Full stop. The last thing I want is that idiocy spreading. Look where it points to.
So, I separate myself from these women. Having the same genetalia doesn't mean she means me no harm.
Likewise, having the same genetalia doesn't mean the way these men choose to interact with women doesn't do harm to both women and other men. Pretending othereise is not helpful.
I'll say it again. All the co.padduon andnempathy for your feelings and vulnerabilities is there to be soaked up already. But you'll.have to separatez to cleave yourself off from these other men so women will recognize you as someone who does not mean her harm.
There is a clear cut dichotomy amongst the ranks of men. You do not hold the same beliefs and you do not operate in the world in the same fashion. Maybe constantly admonishing against that recognition isn't the best way to show your allyship. Maybe it's more allying with those who would put us back under the boot.
What do you think that will do to your particular lifestyle, Tony? You think I that gets to exist without the freedoms brought by feminism and other progressive liberation movements? You think your lifestyle and freedom to love and be loved by *your* design rather than the state or a religious design isn't also under assault by this alpha ideology and Incel culture? You might want to think that through.