Any solution that has such high energy requirements as hearing to 600°C is not a good solution or even one that should be so cheered. Best thing that can be said is that people.are pursuing developing and trying carbon capture technology.
That said, we should also keep in mind that any corrective technology on plastics and carbon capture will hasten our use of fossil fuels. We've already proven that we have a tendency to wastefully use more energy when it is seemingly in overabundance or cheap. Even if there is no environmental penalty to fossil fuel use or that penalty is mitigated 100%, we WILL eventually run out.
Obviously, that will cause a whole host of new problems. Only, now we won't have easy energy to get us out of them.
So, even if this new tech was the miracle silver bullet, and it's clearly not, we still need to draw down our use of both plastics and energy, and many many other things.