Another possible contributing factor may be hospital overwhelm. Since, the earlier spike was centered in NY, so in addition, to being early on how to treat the disease and finding out the hard way who was most vulnerable to protect those demographics, NY hospitals were flat overwhelmed. They ran out of space and care resources. It took too long to get help. When you have to triage, you’ve moved past the point of trying to save everyone and are accepting death to preserve greatest chance of life.
AZ is there now. It won’t be long before death rate spikes and we’ll see if there’s a comparative statistical correlation to hospital resources and death rate regardless of age. And how big that correlation is.
I suspect a per capita rise in death rate of younger covid patients on the near horizon here in AZ. Health professionals have been pleading to no avail for the public to behave prudently. All the hospitals are out of space. I guess we’ll see soon enough cause death rates are spiking.
NY warned the nation . . . now AZ, CA, TX. Anybody out there willing to listen. Heed the warning. Don’t make it be about politics. Don’t make it be about anything other than keeping the virus at bay so you don’t suffer catastrophic consequences. Be prudent. Think it through. Use your head and keep yourselves and each other safe.