Another one, take up a slow hobby that occupies your hands and will wile away long hours and doesn't take up a lot of space or money.
Examples: pencil drawing, tatting/lace making/embroidery, weaving, whittling, writing, making fish lures, rock painting, etc.
Trick train your pets for skits to perform.
Farm for wildlife.
Volunteer at your local wildlife rehab or pound. Learn some animal husbandry.
One night a week or whatever, new menu items for dinner. Try something you haven't had before.
Make keeping your mobility and strength part of every day so you CAN get out and enjoy the world. That's basic, but for some reason most people never think about it till they've lost it.
Make friends with crows. Even wolves do that.
If you live where it snows, save some milk cartons and when it drops below zero start building an igloo from ice bricks you freeze. Your kids will think you're the coolest.
Learn to play an instrument.
Once everything goes, the hours are going to get long. You're going to need some ways to entertain yourself.