And yet, they do. Honestly Yael, this goes both ways. I get what you're saying, and ykure not entirely wrong. You're mostly right. But just because you're not.yhat childless woman warped by fantasies of maternal martyrdom, doesn't mean they don't exist. They do.
I had my child in my mid 30s. All through my twenties all I ever heard was mothers bemoaning my so called carefree life. After I had my daughter, all I hear is basically struggle porn from many childless women who never got the chance. Some of these chicks are straight up deranged.
People who are cool either way just keep to themselves, that's why it seems the way it does. That longing, whichever way, drives folks to over share in that kinda creepy way. It's emotional dumping is what it is. The grass is always greener, you know?