And vice versa, which is directly in line with feminist principle.
But American men don’t see it that way. They’re under the sway of a propaganda myth that is killing them and they will not put that myth aside. They’d rather die.
(obviously, not all of them).
That’s leaving American women with some unfortunate choices they’re being forced to make. That’s where a lot of the score keeping you’ve noticed is coming from. Women are walking away from living with these men and the men are having an emotional melt down about it. We’re starting more of our own businesses again too. If we own the business, we set the rules (within legalities).
It’s a damn shame that it’s fallen this way. Men and women shouldn’t be at each other’s throats. Everything under the sun shouldn’t be a fight to the bitter end. We’re a nation of 330 M with a yearly budget of $20ish Trillion.
Why can’t we make things better for ourselves? Why are some so bitterly opposed to improvements because they refuse to see how it will benefit them too?